Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 07 : The One Where I Talk More About Nothing

Listening to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, making plans to break down the walls and build my life anew. Scary stuff.

I'm actually having issues with my scanner right now, which is a big part of why you haven't seen new art here recently. Got a friend coming by later tonight who said it may not be as bad as I make it sound, so here's hoping I get to put up new stuff in the next couple days. It would also help to be able to get my art to Grace so she can color it before the deadline, you know, so I can get it printed and start building a resume/name for myself.

Hope everyone in BEDA land is well. I needed the break to recharge creatively. I was so far beyond burnt out that being creative the last 2 weeks of BEDA was damn near impossible. I'll be back soon with a little more of the personal psychosis that you all know and love... Watch and fear? Are inured & apathetic to...?

Whatever, I'll be back soon.

Song(s) of the Day: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads Will Roll/Zero

You keep building them Jell-O Ponies and I'll keep eating em,

(No, there is no real explanation for that one, I just like Jell-O in animal shapes)

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